Friday, March 16, 2012

Expressions in the Reamer Room

Yay!!!   My first Blog!!!  Thank you niece for getting me this far and for your offer to help me get it finished.  Soon I hope!   Just adding a little note at this time that I just know will be placed at some other place in this "mysterious" blog of mine as she and I develop it.
Garden of Expression was chosen with much thought.  All my life it has been difficult to feel freedom of expression.  In all things and all ways.  So I needed Garden of Expression and hope you have your garden of expression well.
I had wonderful parents who, of course, had their own hurdles and issues - as with all of us.  They did the best they could and I will always love and respect them and the job they did.  I miss them each and every day.  Just throwing that in there so everyone who reads this doesn't even think that I had childhood parenting issues that I "blame" for anything.
I can, though, place some responsibility on a choice of religion my parents made when I was a child.  Their choice may have served them well, (though I wonder sometimes) but it did nothing but stifle my ability to express myself, and feel secure in the freedom all children should have to be themselves and develop personalities that are not influenced by belief systems that are at best, dysfunctional.   Enough said for now.
So Garden of Expression is just that - for me and everyone who shares this space with me.  Expression - in all ways and all things.  WOW!! What an undertaking, eh?  Follow my growth - in my GARDEN OF EXPRESSION.  And please feel free to share yours!

Today:  I got to express myself in the "reamer room".  No, I don't mean a bundle of paper!!  TMI!!

Today's thought:   People with integrity don't have hidden agendas

Love and Light,


  1. Your first post...yay! I am really looking forward to seeing what you will be doing here. You've done a lot of work in getting to the place which you are in now and I feel that you will be very helpful to others who are looking for their own answers to a lot of life's questions.

    The "reamer room"! You crack me up.

    Love the thought for true.

  2. And Auntie, you are welcome for the help with the blog! Blogging has been so good for me and I really believe that it will be for you too. Glad to be a part of helping you get it set up!

    Love you lots

  3. You can't imagine how much you help me and how good you are for me. I appreciate you - don't every think otherwise! And soon so many others will as well!

  4. Hello Auntie. You are looking good! I hope your garden grows well. Of course as with all of us, the occasional weed is to be expected. It's how you pull the weeds that counts.
    Love you so much.

  5. Hello Niece! Thank you for commenting on my new blog! I am excited about it. I fully expect you, Tracy and all who care about me to help identify any weed and help me get them pulled! love you bunches!!
